I am a referee for a graduate applicant. Where can I find the deadline for submitting my reference?

Published 28/10/2014 01.13 PM   |    Updated 31/08/2023 03.46 PM

Referees can find the deadline for providing a reference in their automated email notification, which was generated at the point they were registered as a referee.

Please note that the deadline date specified within the automated notification was designated by the applicant themselves, rather than the University. We strongly encourage our applicants to enter a reasonable deadline which allows prospective referees plenty of time to provide a reference, although this is not always possible.

Applications submitted without references cannot be assessed by academic departments, so please contact the applicant directly if you are unable to provide a reference by the deadline stated in your email notification. If you are no longer able to act as a referee, we would kindly request that you let the applicant know directly.

For more information on how to submit your reference letter, please visit the Graduate Admissions website.

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